Merry christmas everyone tekst

Merry christmas everyone tekst

Merry christmas everyone tekst

Tekst Kolędy: Merry christmas everyone

Snow is fallin, all around me
Children playing, having fun
It’s the season, love and understanding
Merry christmas everyone

Time for party’s and celebrations
People dancing, all night long
Time for presents, and exchanging kiss’s
Time for singing, christmas songs

We’re gonna have a party tonight
I’m gonna find that girl
Underneath the mistletoe,
we’ll kiss by candle light

Room is swaying, records playing
All the old songs, we love to hear
All I wish that everyday is christmas
What a nice way to spend the year


We’re gonna have a party tonight
I’m gonna find that girl
Underneath the mistletoe,we’ll kiss by candle light

Snow is fallin (snow is falling), all around me(all around me)
Children playing (children playing), having fun (having fun)
It’s the season, love and understanding
Merry christmas everyone
Merry christmas everyone
Merry cristmas everyone


Snow is fallin (snow is falling), all around me (all around me)
Children playing (children playing), having fun (having fun)
It’s the season, love and understanding
Merry christmas everyone

Snow is fallin (snow is falling), all around me (all around me)
Children playing (children playing), having fun (having fun)
It’s the season, love and understanding
Merry christmas everyone

Snow is fallin (snow is falling), all around me (all around me)
Children playing (children playing), having fun (having fun)
It’s the season, love and understanding
Merry christmas everyone
Merry christmas everyone
Merry christmas everyone

Wykonanie utworu: Merry christmas everyone

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